
  • Our Australian Lutheran World Service Ambassador, Lily, is driving our fundraiser along with support from our School Captain Christy. We will be participating in our own version of the ALWS Walk My Way event, and have selected Monday 13th May for our Walkathon, this means that our entire school can walk! We are taking donations right here on the school shop and would love to raise $10,000 for this event. We thank you for your donation and know that even $2 can go along way to help the people of Ukraine to rebuild. Our Preps-Y1 will be walking to Pelican Park, Y2-3 will be walking to the playground at the end of Victoria Avenue, Y4-5 will walk to The Belvedere/Flying Fox Playground, with our Y6 going all the way to the Woody Point Jetty. Everyone will get rest/play time at the turn around point. Once students are back at school, they will receive a Zooper Dooper! We can't wait. There will be ample support from our staff along the walking routes.
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